Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Does Santa Clause Look Like?

For some reason, I still feel that Christmas fever still lingers around; even after New Year's. I still see people have their Christmas lights on their houses and other holiday decorations. I question if it's the matter of laziness or that they are still in the festive Christmas mood. Sorry kids, Santa Claus isn't coming to town until next years, that is if you were good all year. But I never really thought who came up with the depiction of Santa Claus, with a big belly, lives in the North Pole with Mrs. Claus, has reindeer and whatnot. To my surprise, the first depiction of Santa Claus came from Thomas Nast, an American artist during the Civil War Era. Today, drawings of Santa Claus and any relation to Santa Claus himself all are based off of Nast's depiction of Santa Claus. Nast's Santa Claus drawing changed American culture, such as the rise of popular Santa Claus advertisements created by the Coca-Cola Company in 1931 by the illustrator Haddon Sundblum. Nast's image of Santa Claus defined many modern day illustrations of Santa Claus. 

Drawn by Thomas Nast, this was the first picture
of Santa Claus. Nast based his drawing in Clarke
Moore's poem in 1822 "A Visit from Saint Nicolas".

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