Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Start of "No More Pain"

Despite of the unbearable, gruesome amputations soldiers had to face in the hospitals, did surgeons ever make light out of it? Although medical care during the Civil War held a terrible impression, it did in fact revolutionize a different take in medicine forever. A string of new methods, medicines and systems were invented. Anesthetics were developed in order to help control pain and manage it especially during surgeries. The founding of organized triage during the Civil War led to our modern day EMS or ambulance system. Surgeon Jonathan Letterman altered surgical procedures in the battlefield that are even used today in special cases whether it's heart attacks right on spot or bombings in a war zone. The emergence of these new technological advances in the Civil War gave a big step for the medical society and continues to prosper, especially in World War 2 when the development of penicillin and gas mask came. The Dawn of "No More Pain" had indeed started during the Civil War and helped us lead to new discoveries and advances one by one even up to modern day.  

Sources I used: 

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