Tuesday, January 7, 2014


No matter how good jellybeans look like, they all taste terrible (just my opinion!). I hate jellybeans as much as I hate mangoes (long story why I don't like them). Either way, jellybeans go way back in Turkish history when it was part of the Turkish Delight (a family of confections that were based on on a gel of starch and sugar according to Wikipedia). Jellybeans were first introduced actually in 1861 during the Civil War, when a Boston confectioner William Schrafft urged people to give his jellybeans to the Union soldiers. When Union soldiers would get packages, they would often be filled with jellybeans. But it doesn't stop from there, jellybeans finally hit the public eye in 1905, when it was introduced in the Chicago Daily News. Jellybeans become popular and embedded in American culture in the 1930s when it was used during Easter. Jellybeans continued to be prominent when President Ronald Reagan would eat them to help him stop smoking his pipe according to candyfavorites.com.
Here's a really quick, but straightforward video over the history of jellybeans.

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